Add an SSL Trust Seal on Easy Digital Downloads Checkout

Adding an SSL trust seal can increase trust from someone wanting to purchase from you and therefore increase the likelihood of them completing the order.

Add an SSL Trust Seal on Easy Digital Downloads Checkout
Photo by Fikret tozak / Unsplash

Adding an SSL trust seal can increase trust from someone wanting to purchase from you and therefore increase the likelihood of them completing the order.

Create and activate a plugin using the following code:

Plugin Name: EDD Checkout SSL Trust Seal 
Plugin URI: 
Description: Adds an SSL trust seal on the EDD checkout page. 
Version: 0.1.0 
Author: Brandon Himpfen 
Author URI: 

function edd_ssl_during_stripe() { 
Add HTML here... 
add_action( 'edd_after_cc_expiration', 'edd_ssl_during_stripe' );

The SSL trust seal will be placed at the bottom of the Easy Digital Downloads Checkout page.

You can customize the appearance of the SSL trust seal using CSS. Example:

#edd_purchase_form_wrap .class-name {


With .class-name being the CSS class from the HTML used in the plugin code