How To Install Java on Ubuntu 12.04.3
The following will show you how-to install Java on Ubuntu. I’ll be using Ubuntu 12.04.3 x64 for this tutorial.
The following will show you how-to install Java on Ubuntu. I’ll be using Ubuntu 12.04.3 x64 for this tutorial.
Facebook is officially unfriending Blackberry, following a decision by WhatsApp to drop support for Blackberry. In a statement by WhatsApp, they said “While these mobile devices have been an important part of our story, they don’t offer the kind of capabilities we need to expand our app’s features
To enable HTML5 markup for the search form, comment form, comment list, galley and caption in the Genesis Framework.
This tutorial will show you how to utilize CSS to display the size of the web browser you are working on. This is done by placing a full width bar at the bottom of the web page.
Hotlinking is where another website, let’s say, uses the asset(s) of another website, let’s say, by using the direct link to that asset. This is known as hotlinking. The problem with this is that is stealing the bandwidth of
Add Google Code Prettify to your website, to allow syntax highlighting of source code snippets in any web page.
WPScan is a black box WordPress vulnerability scanner. It’s a great tool that you can use to scan your WordPress installations or WordPress installations of your clients. WPScan requires Linux, Ruby version 1.9 or higher, RubyGems and Git.
By default, Twitter’s Bootstrap employs a flat website design. There is nothing wrong with this but you may want to add a little something to certain elements of your website. In this code snippet, I’m going to show you how-to add a shadow to your buttons to make
On April 18, 2014, LinkedIn announced that it had passed over 300 million members. Thus, it’s important to avoid these mistakes in order to look professional and to succeed on LinkedIn: 1. Do not leave your profile incomplete. Fill out each section and complete LinkedIn recommendations; 2. Do not
In a previous post, I talked about 15 mistakes to avoid when it comes to LinkedIn. In this post, I’m going to carry on with that theme, mistakes to avoid in social media, with 15 mistakes to avoid on Twitter. 1. You don’t engage your followers; 2. Don’
According to Netcraft’s February 2014 Survey, there are about 920,102,079 active websites. By active websites, I mean websites that return a 200 OK response. That’s a lot of websites. With the development of content management system software like WordPress and Drupal, managing websites is a breeze.
In the world we live in now, everything has to be done in an instant. So, what makes a website any different? Visitors don’t want to wait to see and use your website. Visitors don’t want to wait in a store to make a purchase. A world that