Do you like code? Well, if you do… I have tons of it.

I've been contributing to the open source community since 2001 and the following is a list of available boilerplates, templates, frameworks, and scripts for various programming languages and web software.

All open source code projects are at your fingertips, entirely free to use, and come with the freedom of open source licensing, including GNU GPL 2, MIT license, or The Unlicense. Because sharing is not just caring—it's how we push the boundaries of what's possible.

A Glimpse into the Collection:


  • base.css: Streamline your styling with our comprehensive CSS base for HTML/HTML5 tags.
  • Bedrock: Bedrock is a lightweight, feature-rich front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first websites and web apps.
  • Brand Colors: Access HEX and RGB codes of major brands to maintain visual consistency in your designs.
  • HTML Template: HTML Template is a professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites.
  • HTML Template AngularJS: HTML Template AngularJS is a professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites using AngularJS.
  • HTML Template Bootstrap: HTML Template Bootstrap is a professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites using the Bootstrap frontend framework.
  • HTML Template Foundation: HTML Foundation Template is my HTML Template project that incorporates Zurb’s Foundation front-end framework for creating websites and web apps.
  • HTML Template Material Design: HTML Template Material Design is a professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites using the Material Design Lite front-end framework.
  • Sass Mixin Library: Sass Mixin Library is a simple, lightweight, yet powerful mixin library for Sass.
  • Social Sharing Buttons: Increase your website’s interactivity with easy-to-implement social sharing buttons.
  • Stylus Mixin Library: Stylus Mixin Library is a simple, lightweight, yet powerful mixin library for Stylus.

WordPress Plugins

  • Better WP Search: Better WP Search improves the default WordPress search functionality.
  • Disable WP Emojis: Removes emojis from the WordPress front-end, admin pages, feeds and e-mails.

npm Packages

  • is-ip-address: Check if a string is an IP address (IPv6 or IPv4).
  • markdown-to-json: Convert Markdown files to JSON format.
  • colorful-cli: Add color and font weight to your command line output.
  • gradient-css-generator: A package that helps generate CSS gradients.
  • html-list-builder: An npm package for creating ordered and unordered lists in HTML with class and id attributes.
  • is-hex-color-code: A package to validate hexadecimal color codes.
  • is-stop-words: A package to check if a word is a stop word.
  • loremipsum-generator: Generate random placeholder text in the style of Lorem Ipsum.
  • seo-content-optimizer: Optimize website content for SEO by analyzing keyword usage, readability, and on-page optimization factors.
  • seo-friendly-urls: The "seo-friendly-urls" package is a utility that helps convert strings to SEO-friendly URLs by removing special characters and stop words.
  • seo-sitemap-generator: Generate XML sitemaps for websites, helping search engines discover and index pages efficiently.
  • social-media-campaign-roi-calculator: Calculate the return on investment (ROI) of social media campaigns based on key performance indicators and campaign costs.
  • social-media-math: Mathematical formulas for social media marketing and management.

Please explore, utilize, and share these open source code projects as you bring your digital projects to life. With a commitment to quality and community, I hope these tools will not only serve your immediate development needs but also inspire you to contribute to the vibrant world of open source. Happy coding!