Linting HTML using CSS
You can use the following CSS to lint your HTML. Avoid inline styling: Check to see if a link has no or meaningless href value, and check for empty interactive elements:
You can use the following CSS to lint your HTML. Avoid inline styling: Check to see if a link has no or meaningless href value, and check for empty interactive elements:
Learning Centre
In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how-to create Bootstrap buttons based on Material Design’s colour palette using Sass stylesheet language. Example of what we will create: HTML To add a Material Design Bootstrap button to your website, web app or blog use the following HTML code:
This tutorial will show you how to utilize CSS to display the size of the web browser you are working on. This is done by placing a full width bar at the bottom of the web page.
By default, Twitter’s Bootstrap employs a flat website design. There is nothing wrong with this but you may want to add a little something to certain elements of your website. In this code snippet, I’m going to show you how-to add a shadow to your buttons to make
According to Netcraft’s February 2014 Survey, there are about 920,102,079 active websites. By active websites, I mean websites that return a 200 OK response. That’s a lot of websites. With the development of content management system software like WordPress and Drupal, managing websites is a breeze.
Learn how-to create a Google+ social sharing button for the Bootstrap front-end framework using Sass and Font Awesome.
Learn how-to create a StumbleUpon social sharing button for the Bootstrap front-end framework using Sass and Font Awesome.
Last week, the WordPress code development team announced a new theme template in WordPress 4.3, singular.php.
Using scrollReveal.js, you can simply create animated HTML elements that fade-in, from all sides and over a certain amount of time. The animations you create are only triggered when the end user scrolls the web page.
Display only posts that were modified last, and not necessarily posts that were published last.
Learn how-to display the latest posts in WordPress. Display X amount of posts and learn how-to make the list group into a Bootstrap panel.
You can customize the WordPress administration panel by adding a function to your theme's function.php file. The custom CSS can be internal CSS, meaning the CSS is included in the web page or externally, meaning the CSS is grabbed elsewhere on your hosting account or another server.