Displaying HTML Content Dynamically with JavaScript

In this blog post, I'll show how-to use JavaScript to display specified HTML content within div elements based on their IDs.

Displaying HTML Content Dynamically with JavaScript
Photo by Fili Santillán / Unsplash

In modern web development, it is often necessary to dynamically update the content of web pages to create more interactive and engaging user experiences. JavaScript, as a powerful client-side programming language, allows us to achieve this effortlessly. In this blog post, I'll show how-to use JavaScript to display specified HTML content within div elements based on their IDs.

Our goal is to create a JavaScript function that takes an object of ID-to-content mappings and updates the HTML content of the corresponding div elements accordingly. By utilizing this function, we can easily display custom content in various sections of our webpage.

The JavaScript Code

Let's dive into the JavaScript code that accomplishes our objective:

function displayContentsByIds(contentsMap) {
  for (const id in contentsMap) {
    const targetDiv = document.getElementById(id);

    if (targetDiv) {
      targetDiv.innerHTML = contentsMap[id];

// Example usage:
const contentsMap = {
  'div-id-1': '<p>HTML content for div with ID "div-id-1"</p>',
  'div-id-2': '<h2>HTML content for div with ID "div-id-2"</h2>',
  'div-id-3': '<ul><li>HTML content for div with ID "div-id-3"</li></ul>',



  • The displayContentsByIds function takes an object contentsMap as its argument, which contains ID-to-content mappings. It iterates through each ID in the contentsMap.
  • Using document.getElementById(id), we retrieve the div element with the given ID from the DOM.
  • If the target div is found, we update its innerHTML property with the corresponding content from the contentsMap.

Example Usage

In our example usage, we have an object contentsMap with three ID-to-content mappings. When calling displayContentsByIds(contentsMap), the JavaScript function will replace the content of the respective div elements with the specified HTML content.


With JavaScript, we can dynamically update the content of web pages, making them more interactive and responsive. The displayContentsByIds function presented in this blog post enables us to display custom HTML content within div elements based on their IDs easily. By utilizing this function creatively, we can enhance user experiences and tailor our web pages to specific needs.

Remember to ensure that the contentsMap object contains valid ID-to-content mappings before using the displayContentsByIds function to prevent any unwanted behavior. As with all JavaScript code, test and validate its functionality thoroughly before deploying it to production environments. Happy coding!